Have you been trying for a long time to run a successful online business but feel like you are not getting any traction? Have you been trying to get it to take off but can't seem to generate enough lift for it to be airborne? Or perhaps you don't even have an idea where to start from? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you probably have something in common with many others who are in one of these situations that you could consider as a solution but have likely forgotten:
You either have ideas that you have tried before but felt that they didn't work and you decided to abandon them. Or you just never even tried them and shelved them because you felt that the time wasn't right or that they couldn't work.
However, from the time that you packed your idea till now, two things have changed: you and the Internet. Here are two reasons why you should revisit your abandoned Internet business Ideas and why this might help you to get some fresh enegy into your online business:
1). Your Personal Growth
Let's start with you. You have grown in your personal life and understanding of the Internet of things and your expectations thereof of your business has likely changed too.
You must remember that starting your online business is not always about making money the immediately after you launch. Yes, it is of course not wrong if that happens. But that is seldom the case with most businesses, traditional or Internet.
So having the right mindset matters when you embark on a journey of starting your online business. If you are just starting out or haven't even began, and have a brilliant idea, It's possible that this information you are reading right now, might not even mean anything to you straight away because you feel like your idea will definitely work. And yes, that is perfectly acceptable to think that way. You have to be positive and believe in your idea.
But you need to be realistically balanced in your expectations, should things not turn out the way you expect and in the time frame you expect them to happen. Remember this information in future, if you are just starting out.
Still looking at your personal growth, and your view of your online business, one important quality you need to cultivate is how you would feel about working on your business even if there weren't any immediate monetary compensation.
If you have been at your business for some months, or even years and haven't yet made the money that you thought you would have by now but still enjoy (infact love) working on your business idea, then chances are that you have matured enough to look back at your old ideas with fondness and take a fresh look at them.
You will be able to use your old ideas as fresh material and incorporate them into your business now than you were able to in the past. You will see that you can either take the whole idea or bits of it and use it in your now time tested business.
It will fit in well enough to give you renewed energy, a new product, service or information that you can add to your business offering or as an enhancement.
So don't be afraid to go back into your archives and go through your dusty ideas. They will probably be cobwebbed with emotions and that's a good thing. Nostalgic feelings properly channeled towards a goal can be a powerfully creative force.
Emotions attached to an anticipated outcome are a great source of energy and focus. See how you can tap into that old feeling to remind yourself of where you wanted to go with your business.
2). Evolution of the Internet
The other thing that has noticably changed is the Internet. More tools and services to help you more successfully run your business have developed alongside the Internet.
From website creating tools to marketing and advertising and everything in between, you now have at your finger tips, literally speaking, resources and tools which only mostly small to medium companies only could afford.
Now is a much better time to rethink the Internet and how you want to direct your business thereon. There's virtually no activity that a big corporation does that you can't do online by yourself. It's all up to you and how you use the internet.
Since we are talking about your growth and of the Internet, coupled with your strong desire and determination to succeed in your business, you are hopefully abreast of the online trends and have read about what works and what doesn't.
And since we are also talking about rebisiting ideas for your business that haven't been successful, we aren't here talking about them in themselves not working but about the application of the medium in dispensing your business ideas and how they didn't work then and how you would like to try again. But the difference this time: you are armed with an evolved understanding of the Internet and the development of the Internet itself.
These days you can practically run your business from an app on your phone: from posting updates, blogs, audio, videos, adding products to your online shop, manage invoicing, processing billing, receiving payments to sending newsletters to your subscribers and more, that by just taking advantage of these seemingly unimportant convenience developments in technology can add a new way in which you work, view your online business, interact with your website, users and customers and thereby open you up to more creative solutions about how you grow your business.
If you have been using a reliable and trusted website creation service, content management system and hosting service, make sure that you keep up with any new features that they provide so that you can simplify how you do your business and thereby increase the effectiveness of how you excute your business idea in ways that you perhaps couldn't have done so when you initially launched your shelved idea.
There are of course many new features and tools available that support Internet based businesses but you only need to focus on those that are applicable to your business model.
It goes without saying then, that you shouldn't stop keeping abreast with the latest developments and evolution of the Internet. Using old and outdated knowledge of the Internet and trends to excute your ideas, (brand new ones or old), is like using a new tool with new features you aren't farmiliar with to build or create something: you will either unnecessarily exert more energy or keep blaming the tool for it's perceived inefficiency or keep changing and blaming your raw materials instead of your lack of knowledge of using of the tool.
So keep learning so that you can continue growing in your understanding of the Internet and of new developments.
Final Words
Don't be afraid to start all over. Tomorrow might just be that brighter day. Don't be afraid to revisit your shelved ideas. Ask for help if you have to. Love what you do even if it doesn't make money immediately. The natural older of things is that your view of what you love doing will evolve so that you will only see solutions and at times satisfaction which might not necessarily be monetary but a certain fulfillment that will keep you going, dedicated, engaged and optimistic as you continue building your online business.